Namaskaram everyone -
Wishing you all an auspicious Vaikuntha Ekadashi- the day when the Uttara Dwaram of the Lord is opened for the devotees to meet the ALL pervading Maha Viśṇu & enter Vaikuntha.
Uttar in Hindi & Sanskrit means northern or the higher or region above( Upar)..or the higher realm. Uttar in Hindi also means answer.. a place where all qts are truly resolved.
My dears-
- Vaikuntha therefore actually symbolises a higher space, a space that stands for liberation or Moksha.
Moksha from what??
Moksha from the lower levels of living like a Pashu - a Pashu is only designed to exist thru in Ahara, (food) Nidra (sleep), Bhay (fear) & Maithun (procreation).
Moksha from doubts, conflicts, differences and all our VikArAs that limit us to live like a Pashu.
This day of Vaikuntha Ekadashi acts as a reminder to seek that Narayana who resides within us as a possibility in the way of our higher nature and who thru his various avataras…keeps coming back to tell us to awaken to seek our higher existence.
Vaikuntha to a true devotee of the Lord is to enter a space where Jnana( truth & wisdom), Vijnana( thinking, feeling & behaviour based on wisdom), Sah-Astitva( realising Co-existence), Samadhan (resolution), Sambandh, Vyavashtha (orderliness) Samrudhhi (abundance), Abhay ( fearlessness) & Ubhay Trupti( eternal Trupti) are realised as values that drive and express in one’s life and living.
This is the true significance of this extra-ordinary day & the opening of the Uttara Dwaram of the Lord.
All energies in nature today are aligned to awaken this possibility in us.
Nithya Ji
Hari Om!!