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Writer's pictureNithyaji

The Three Bodies…and their functions- Part 1

Updated: 5 days ago

The yoga system classifies three apparent vehicles of the jiva tattva in its journey towards perfection. In the ultimate sense, the spirit is without division - mind and bodies are the active powers which seemingly impose the limitations and bring about a sense of fragmentation and idea of individual consciousness. In reality there is no bondage or limit which can be set on the spirit.

The Three Bodies……

3 Bodies

5 Sheaths

Physical body

Food Sheath

Astral body

Vital Sheath

Mental Sheath

Intellectual Sheath

Causal body

Blissful Sheath

1. Physical Body -

The gross physical body, known as sthūla śarīra, is composed of five elements: earth (prithvī), water (āpas), fire (agni), air (vāyu), ether (ākāsa). Its stages of existence are birth, growth, change, decay and death.

2. Astral or Subtle Body-

The astral body, linga śarīra or sūkṣhma śarīra, is the means of experiencing pleasure and pain.

It is composed of nineteen elements:

  • 5 organs of action (karma indriyas)

  • 5 organs of knowledge (jñāna  indriyas)

  • 5 pranas

  • 4 elements of antaḥkaraṇa (inner instrument):

    • Mind (manas),

    • Subconscious (citta

    • Ego (ahaṅkara)

    • Intellect (buddhi)

3. Causal Body -

The causal, or seed body, known as kãrana śarīra, is the blueprint of both the gross and subtle bodies. The astral and causal bodies remain together. They leave the physical body at the time of death. 


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